About me
I am a linguist and I mainly work in theoretical phonology.
My main research interest is the phonology-morphology interface and hence phenomena like non-concatenative morphology and lexical exceptions to phonological processes. Much of my work focusses on supra-segmental processes involving like length, tone or template effects. One theoretical assumption I am currently working on a lot are Gradient Symbolic Representations and hence the idea that all linguistic elements have gradient activity levels.
One empirical focus of my work are indigenuous languages of America: I work, for example, on tone in Otomanguean, on non-concatenative morphology in Salishan, on verbal agreement in Algonquian, on lexical exceptions in Maipurean, or reduplication in Wakashan.
I am a linguist and I mainly work in theoretical phonology.
My main research interest is the phonology-morphology interface and hence phenomena like non-concatenative morphology and lexical exceptions to phonological processes. Much of my work focusses on supra-segmental processes involving like length, tone or template effects. One theoretical assumption I am currently working on a lot are Gradient Symbolic Representations and hence the idea that all linguistic elements have gradient activity levels.
One empirical focus of my work are indigenuous languages of America: I work, for example, on tone in Otomanguean, on non-concatenative morphology in Salishan, on verbal agreement in Algonquian, on lexical exceptions in Maipurean, or reduplication in Wakashan.
Most recent projects
Together with Prof. Dr. Jochen Trommer, I am the PI of the project `Morphological strata of tone' (homepage) within the DFG-funded research unit on `Cyclic Optimization' that started in October 2021. I am the leader of an Emmy Noether research group on `Grammatical Strength in Prosodic Morphology: Typology and Theory' (homepage) that started in May 2019. From March to November 2018, I was a Visiting Researcher at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, with a DFG-funded research project on `Multiple Reduplication: Typology and Theory' (homepage). |
[my first name][dot][my last name][at][uni-leipzig][dot][de]
[my first name][dot][my last name][at][uni-leipzig][dot][de]
When I'm not doing linguistics, I love to spend time outdoors, especially on my bike or on a climbing wall. Since I also love to make lists and maps, here is a map of all the climbing spots (indoors and outdoors) I visited so far: